Thursday, December 31, 2009

Once in a Blue Moon

"That only happens once in a blue moon." My mother was always fond of saying that and until I was an adult, I never really understood where the expression came from, but did understand that whatever was being discussed was a rarity. A "blue moon" isn't as rare as I might have thought, actually, occurring roughly once every 2 and a half years when a full moon occurs twice within a month. But to have this occurrence coincide with such an auspicious occasion as a New Year is a bit rarer, the last one having occurred in 1990, with the next one being in 2028. I for one, am happy to see this harbinger as a symbol of the rare and special opportunities that will be presented us in the coming year, which also happens to be the start of a new decade. I choose to believe that---although we make our own luck---the universe is aligned to facilitate the flow of our choices. Greasing the tracks, so to speak!

I don't know about you, but 2009 has been very interesting for me and my family. Many new things were started and our world seemed to get much smaller as we became involved (okay, addicted) with Facebook, and then I also became occupied with Twitter, blogs, shops, galleries, online groups, and lots of other internet diversions. My computer usage increased by leaps and bounds and I found a myriad of ways to postpone less desirable pastimes and in some instances even neglected certain obligations. It's been fun---and also wearisome.

Each year many of us strive to change our ways as a new year begins. Most years I make generalities and don't try to fool myself into believing that I will actually change any of my habits. ('I'm going to eat better in the New Year', 'I'm going to get more exercise this year', 'I'm going to balance my daily life better'...) This year, however, along with some more general "I'll do better" goals, I am setting this goal: to limit my computer time to 2 hours a day---that includes emails, Facebook, Twitter, research for my business, blogging, posting new listings, etc. It'll be tough, because I really have a difficult time walking away from this 'world at my fingertips', but I really must actually DO stuff this year! And since the universe has greased the tracks for me, I'm thinking: maybe I'll even attempt to DO some things that I only consider once in a blue moon!

Wishing everyone a very safe, healthy, abundant, exciting, and Happy New Year!

Visit Made by SwirlyGirl for unique and beautiful note cards and photo art!


  1. Beautiful post and selections! Thanks so much. Happy New Year!

  2. I love your blue moon selections, and wonderful post. Happy New Year! Sounds like you have a very fine plan. :)

  3. Oh Laurie, you have been a busy girl. Like you I used to spend way too much time on the computer. Now I've got it down to about 20 minutes in the morning. Sometimes I even start painting before I've finished my coffee. It takes diligence though. Good luck! Thanks for your wonderful post and the beautiful moons. Happy New Year to you and your family. All the best!


  4. Thank you Suzanne, Karen, and Shayla! I hope you all are as happy to see a new year ushered in as I am! Have a wonderful celebration--whether it is quiet or with a group!

  5. Thanks, Adrian! You, too! Hope 2010 is a terrific one for us all!


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